Welcome to the School of Computer Science at St Andrews! If you are completely new to the School and University and are looking for information on Advising please find a useful guide here (largely undergraduate-focused).

This handbook contains information relevant to all students studying in the School in session 2024-25. The bulk of the material is particularly aimed at students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules.

You should read the whole handbook, but you may wish to give particular priority to the summary of key points.

See also the induction materials for various levels of study:

See Module Overviews for Honours and MSc at:

As far as possible, this handbook avoids duplication of information available in other University publications, focusing instead on issues specific to this School. It should be read in conjunction with, in particular:

Wellbeing, Advice, and Support for Students

As a University of St Andrews student you are on a journey of learning. The person you arrived as will be different from the one who leaves. This change will reflect the knowledge and skills you will gain, and the experiences you will have throughout your time here. It is unlikely that your journey will always be smooth, but dealing with the unexpected challenges you encounter along the way will help you develop the skills you need to make you a better scholar and better able to cope with life beyond university. Key areas to focus on during your St Andrews journey include:

  • Developing independence. This means that you actively seek out information, take charge of finding the right balance between your study and personal life and take responsibility for your behaviour, wellbeing and health.
  • Facing challenges. It’s perfectly normal to find things challenging in your academic studies and general student life. Some challenges may lead to disappointment or even failure. The important thing to remember is that you will be strengthened by these challenges, developing important life-skills such as problem-solving and resilience.
  • Being involved. As a student at St Andrews you are part of several communities, and you have the opportunity to become involved with them. You are part of the community within your academic school, part of the broader University community and part of the wider community of the St Andrews town. You are encouraged to make the most of the academic, social, societies and sports opportunities on offer as a way to positively build knowledge, skills, support networks, and physical and mental wellbeing.

For advice and support on student welfare, equality and diversity, or any issue, including academic, financial, international, personal or health matters, or if you are unsure of who to go to for help, please contact one of our Welfare Officers, Equality and Diversity Officers or the Advice and Support Centre, 79 North Street, 01334 462020, theasc@st-andrews.ac.uk, https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/students/advice/ or via ask-a-question. You can book an appointment with the ASC by completing the Student Services Enquiry Form. The University’s Student Health Hub has an office located in the local community hospital, staffed by University staff and you can also find Essential Health Phone Numbers.

Further wellbeing resources are available.

Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development (CEED)

CEED (the Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development) helps students develop the skills they need for their academic studies and beyond as outlined here for Undergraduates and Taught Postgraduates respectively.

Graduate Attributes

Modules at the University of St Andrews support the development of Graduate Attributes, which are the 20 identified characteristics that St Andrews students have the opportunity to acquire during their time here. Underpinned by the attribute of Social Responsibility, the Graduate Attributes are divided into four categories: Valuing Diversity, Leadership Skills, Entrepreneurial Mind-set, and Global Outlook.

Through your engagement with this module, you will develop a core set of complementary skills which will help set you up for success, both within academia and beyond.

The Graduate Attributes are developed by a combination of curricular, co-curricular (University activities that aren’t part of the academic curriculum), and extra-curricular activities. Engagement with academic work is the primary way in which students will develop these attributes, but other opportunities for engagement are wide-ranging: for example, membership of societies, participation in sports, work experience, training courses and hobbies can develop an array of skills.

Students are encouraged to log their curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities through the Graduate Attribute platform in MySaint to track their skill development during their time here.

More information on the Graduate Attributes and other opportunities to develop your skills can be found on MySaint and on the Graduate Attributes webpage.

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Last Published: 21 Feb 2025.