Recognition of Prior Learning

The University of St Andrews offers recognition of prior learning that has taken place elsewhere as outlined in Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning.

Advanced Standing Credit

The University Policy on Advanced Standing Credits formalises how the University awards and withdraws advanced standing credits to enable direct entry to second year in some programmes, and to fast track programmes.

Matriculation and Failure To Matriculate

Matriculation is the process of registering as a student with the University. All students must complete the matriculation process each academic year in which they are actively engaged in their programme of studies in order to maintain their University of St Andrews student status.

Any student who fails to complete the matriculation process by Monday of week 4 by 9:00am, or who fails to obtain permission from the University to interrupt their studies within a prescribed time, will lose their fully matriculated student status at the University of St Andrews. Advising must be completed earlier, by Monday of week 3. Please consult the the University Failure to Matriculate Policy for more details.

Academic Flexibility for Students with Recognised Sporting Talent

There is a policy which allows allow eligible students (with the permission of the School and Sports Performance Manager) to have time off from their studies in order to participate in key sporting tournaments and competitions. See the policy on Academic Flexibility for Students with Recognised Sporting Talent for more details.

Deans’ List

This is an annual award for academic excellence, promoted by the Deans of the University. See further details.

Student Fees

Graduating in person or in absentia marks the end of your degree or diploma course of studies at the University of St Andrews. If you have been accepted onto a new degree or diploma programme at the University, the new programme is separate and distinct from the course of studies from which you are about to graduate, and you will be liable for all fees associated with that new programme.

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Last Published: 25 Feb 2025.