In line with the SCQF Framework, modules are designed under the assumption that each credit represents an average of 10 hours of learning time. Thus for example, a 15-credit module comprising one quarter of a full-time student’s semester workload involves a total of 150 hours. Where there is no exam and the final deadline is in week 14, this amounts to approximately 10 hours per week for 14 weeks. So full-time study is expected to occupy around 40 hours per week.

The table below gives a very rough guideline as to how this time might be broken down, per week, for modules of various sizes.

Credits 15 20 30
Proportion of time one quarter one third one half
Total hours 10 13 20
Lectures & tutorials 3 5 5
Background reading & preparation 4 5 7
Laboratory & coursework 3 3 8

A similar division of time applies to modules with examinations, for the 11 weeks prior to the revision period. Students are expected, to a very large extent, to plan their own work, manage their own time, and take the initiative in raising any questions or problems with the staff concerned.

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Last Published: 03 Oct 2024.