Module Grades

Every credit-bearing module is assessed, with the overall result summarised as a grade appearing on the student’s transcript. Grades achieved in some modules also affect progression from one part of a programme to the next, or the final programme result. Modules may include various assessment components, including coursework (for practical work and class tests), and exams.

The University uses a 20-point Common Reporting Scale for grades (i.e. a 20-point basic scale reported to one decimal point for final module grades, in which the pass-level is 7). Therefore, for every module, whether including a single assessment component or multiple components, an overall grade of 7 must be achieved in order to pass the module and gain the credits.

Where a module includes multiple assessment components, each component is marked separately, converted to the 20-point scale, and these marks combined to yield the overall module grade, according to a formula specified for that module in its module catalogue entry.

The following table gives some examples for a module such as CS2001, for which marks are combined in the ratio 60% Coursework to 40% Exam, see module catalogue.

Coursework Exam Module Grade
15 10 13
15 7 11.8
15 4 10.6
5 2 3.8 (fail, no right to reassessment)
4 11 6.8 (fail, right to reassessment)
8 5 6.8 (fail, right to reassessment)
2 16 3.9 (fail, no right to reassessment)
16 3 6.9 (fail, right to reassessment)

The reason for the grades being capped at 3.9 and 6.9 in the last two examples as a result of either coursework or exam mark being less than 4 is explained in the next sections and predominantly in Compulsory Module Elements.

See also: the distinction between marks and grades.

Minimum Proportion of Assessment

The minimum proportion of a module’s assessment that must be completed for credit to be awarded is 75%. Therefore, the absolute maximum proportion of a module’s assessment that can be waived, for whatever reason, is 25%.

Compulsory Module Elements

Each module includes various compulsory elements. General compulsory elements common to all modules and sub-Honours modules are indicated below as are the implications of failing to meet them.

Compulsory elements vary from module to module. By default, all modules have the following compulsory element:

  • achieve an overall minimum mark of 4 in each of the assessment components of a module (Coursework including class tests; Exam; etc).

All sub-Honours modules have in addition the following compulsory elements:

  • Prepare for, attend and participate in at least 70% of all tutorials.
  • Attend and submit solutions to at least 70% of all exercise classes.

Implications of Failing to Meet These Requirements

Failure to comply with these module requirements will result in failing the module with no right to reassessment with a grade of 0 (when missing too many tutorials or exercise classes, except where approved by the appropriate level coordinator) and the grade will be capped at 3.9 if your coursework mark is less than 4.

In 2024-25, we have relaxed the implication of achieving less than 4 in the exam component. If your exam mark is less than 4 but your weighted average of coursework and exam is at least 4, your grade will be capped at 6.9 and you will be given another chance to pass the module at Reassessment.

Examples where grades are capped at 3.9 and 6.9 are shown in the table above at Module Grades.

Some modules also specify other compulsory elements including, but not limited to, coursework. It is very important that students check the details for each of their modules, specified on the module pages.


General Requirements

Students may use and are strongly encouraged to come into the School and use any of the School Labs physically where it is easier to talk to and get to know your peers and receive support. It is also the case that you must ensure that code submissions compile and run on School lab machines, unless otherwise instructed in the coursework specification.

Students may use and are strongly encouraged to come into the School and use any of the School Computer Labs physically where it is easier to talk to and get to know your peers and receive support. It is also the case that you must ensure that code submissions compile and run on School lab PCs or teaching servers, unless otherwise instructed in the coursework specification.

The lab PCs provide all of the software required for practical work on CS modules.

The School provides a resilient storage service for files stored in a user’s network home directories.

If you are working on your own computer, you are required to backup your work regularly and at the very least every 24 hours. As a registered student, you have access to OneDrive via Microsoft 365 which may suffice for many smaller projects. CS network home directories are accessible via SSH on the teaching servers, from the University network. Distributed version control is another option for backing-up work.

Coursework Submission

Most coursework is submitted electronically via MMS, the University’s web-based module management system.

It is the student’s responsibility to check that each submission has been successful, indicated by an automated email receipt from MMS, and that the correct piece of coursework has been submitted. Students are strongly advised to re-download their submission and check that it is complete and pertains to the correct assignment. No claims of submission without evidence of a receipt are considered. In the case of a technical problem preventing submission, and only in such cases, a student may email their coursework to the appropriate tutor or lecturer as evidence of timely completion. It is then the student’s responsibility to submit the coursework to MMS when feasible, and to request the coordinator to waive the lateness penalty.

All submitted work should include the student’s ID number, but not their name, to facilitate blind marking.

All coursework marks returned via MMS are provisional until endorsed by the official Module Board, which includes the External Examiner.

Coursework Extensions

Extensions to deadlines are only granted in cases where a student’s ability to complete coursework has been significantly affected by extenuating factors such as:

  • failure of necessary software, hardware or services provided by the School.
  • significant personal or medical circumstances documented through the absence reporting process
  • significant external commitments

Extensions will not normally be granted as a result of failure of personal software, hardware or broadband. Students are strongly encouraged to work in School labs.

An extension should not be assumed until confirmed by the coordinator, who will decide on a case-by-case basis whether the circumstances justify an extension. Extensions requested after the deadline has passed will not normally be granted unless there are serious extenuating circumstances. Individual lecturers and tutors do not have authority to grant extensions.

In order to request an extension, please use the Extension Request Form which is also linked from our main Info Site.

Although the School attempts to schedule coursework deadlines to minimise clashes, it is not always possible to avoid them completely. Students are expected to be able to plan ahead and to manage their time effectively; extensions will not be granted due to deadline clashes.

Lateness Penalties

The normal deadline for coursework submission is 9:00:00pm on the specified date. Except where explicit permission is obtained from the appropriate coordinator, late submission of coursework is automatically penalised by MMS, in line with University policy on coursework penalties. In all cases, including group work, students are individually responsible for timely submission of their work. For team projects, each team member is individually responsible for timely submission of their copy of the report.

Unless explicitly indicated otherwise in coursework specifications, the penalty scheme used for all modules in the School is:

Scheme A: 1 mark per 24-hour period, or part thereof

‘Part thereof’ means one second or more after rounding. For example, work initially given a mark of 15, submitted at 11.55pm with a deadline of 9pm, is penalised by 1 mark, and so earns a mark of 14 instead. Further examples are given in the policy document.

Every day of the week counts towards any late penalty, including weekends and holidays. Coordinators do not waive penalties for hours, minutes or seconds lateness that may result from minor adversities. Relying on the mechanical impartiality of MMS is the only policy that is indisputably fair to all.

MMS records the time that an upload is completed, not when it is initiated. Students need to allow for this when uploading coursework with large files. They should also be aware that if a revised version of an earlier submission is initiated just before the deadline, and completes after the deadline, the lateness penalty will be applied despite the earlier version. This cannot be reversed, as the earlier version has by then been erased from the system. Caution should therefore be exercised in submitting minor corrections near the deadline. After a deadline has passed, MMS does not allow uploaded coursework to be replaced by the submitter.

MMS has a maximum file size limit of 600MB. Where it is necessary to submit larger files, students should make prior arrangements with the relevant coordinator for an alternative submission mechanism.

As noted above, it is the student’s responsibility to verify that they have submitted the correct piece of work to the correct MMS slot. In cases where an error only comes to light some days after submission, a lateness penalty will normally be applied corresponding to the time/date that the correct version was eventually submitted. In cases where there exists strong evidence that the work was actually completed on time, this will be considered by the relevant coordinator.

Normally the level of evidence required would be a not-easily-forgeable record of the work’s existence on a School storage server at the claimed time. File timestamps would not meet this standard, while presence in a storage server snapshot would. For this reason, even apart from the other obvious benefits of version control, students are strongly encouraged to use School’s lab PCs, network home directories and adopt the use of version control for routine coursework development. Although version control histories themselves can be easily tampered with, a repository located in a network home directory will automatically be captured in the regular file system snapshots.

In cases where such evidence is accepted by the coordinator, a minimum lateness penalty of 3 marks will nonetheless be applied.

Word Limits

The specification for an essay, report or dissertation may include:

  • no word limit, or
  • an advisory word limit, or
  • a compulsory word limit

A word limit indicates the level of detail required. If you write too much in an attempt to make your point, then you have not focussed your argument sufficiently. This might mean you are giving too much detail, too many examples or trying to cover too many points. You may be able to get across the same content in fewer words by careful editing. Conversely, if your document is well below the word limit then consider whether you have given enough detail. Writing a coherent argument within the limit specified is an important academic skill.

Where an advisory word limit is specified, the grade awarded may be affected by significant deviations from the limit. Where a compulsory word limit is specified, failure to adhere to the limit is penalised according to the University policy on coursework penalties.

Writing Guidance

See the guidance on essay and report writing.


The School of Computer Science has in-person exams just as we di prior to the pandemic. This applies to the first-sitting of exams for all modules from level 2 and upwards. First year modules will have no exams.

All first-sitting of exams for Computer Science modules year will be traditional written exams where students must be physically present in an exam venue. This includes all exams in the Semester 1 December diet and Semester 2 April/May exam diets. Exams deferred from Semster 1 will be scheduled to take place in the extended May diet, and exams deferred from Semester 2 modules will also as far as possible be scheduled to take place in the extended May diet. Semester 2 deferrals that cannot be scheduled to take place in the extended May diet will be scheduled to take place in the School in the week prior to orientation week of the following academic year, i.e. in the week starting 1st September 2025.

Guidance on in-person examinations should be read and understood before sitting in-person exams.

As an exception to the above, resit exams only will be online and will take place in August. Further guidance on online examinations should be read and understood before sitting resit examinations.

Note that arrangements in other schools may differ such that you may have online exams for any modules you take in other schools.

As such, you should be aware that University examinations in other Schools are governed by an Examination Policy and this policy relates to assessments that are scheduled using an online or in-person delivery method. All students must ensure that they have read and fully understand this policy before sitting examinations. They include matters related to the conduct of exams.

Mapping Tables

The School publishes two default mappings from percentage marks to the 20-point scale, one for Sub-Honours and one for Honours and Masters. The marks from the mapping process are reviewed at the module board, where any unusual distributions of marks are discussed. If considered appropriate by the board, and agreed by the External Examiner, the mapping used for a particular assessment may be adjusted. In such cases the revised mappings are published after results have been reported:

Feedback on Assessment Performance

Students have the right to feedback on assessment performance. Feedback can be given to a class as a whole or if you wish you may request to view your submission under staff supervision (consult the relevant lecturer), or obtain a photocopy for a fee (ask at the School office). The time limit for such requests is the end of Week 3 of the semester that follows the examination diet.

The purpose of viewing your script with a member of staff is to see where you made mistakes and to learn from them so that you gain insight into how you may improve your technique or specific knowledge for a module. It is not an opportunity for negotiation on the marks awarded. If a student notices that marks have been added up incorrectly, or that marks have been transferred incorrectly , or that some portion of the work has not been marked, they can bring this to the attention of the member of staff who is monitoring the viewing. There is a well-defined appeals policy, but this specifically excludes appeals on the grounds of disagreement with an academic judgement.

Absence From Exam Assessments

See under Absence.

Illegible Exam Scripts

It is your responsibility to ensure that your handwritten answers provided in examination scripts are legible and can be read by the markers. If a script cannot be read by the marker then this could result in a delay in confirming your module grade. See further details.

Academic Adjustments

The University recognises that some students may experience extenuating personal circumstances affecting academic performance. In order for these to be taken into account, they must be reported as soon as possible, as detailed under Absence. In addition, note that:

“The following are NOT considered valid grounds for requesting a review of an academic decision and appeals based on such reasons will be rejected: … the retrospective reporting of extenuating personal circumstances that might have been reasonably made known at the time” (Reproduced from Policy on Student Academic Appeals)

There are various academic adjustments that may be made to compensate for legitimate circumstances affecting students’ studies. Such adjustments can only be authorised by the appropriate coordinator or the Director of Teaching.


An extension is a straightforward adjustment to a practical coursework deadline for an affected student.

Deferred Assessments

See University policy on deferred assessments.

Waived Assessments

In rare cases the requirement to complete a particular assessment may be waived entirely. The maximum proportion of the overall credit for a module that can be waived is 25%.


S-coding is the method the University uses to recognise that special circumstances have affected most or all of the work of a module. It provides a mechanism for some adversely affected grades to be excluded from degree classification. More information can be found here.


For modules including assessment by exam, a student failing the module with a grade of at least 4, and fulfilling all other compulsory elements, has the right to reassessment by online exam at the next resit diet (in August). There is no opportunity for reassessment of coursework. The final reassessment grade is calculated from the resit exam mark and the original coursework mark, using the same algorithm as for the initial assessment. Grades achieved at reassessment are capped at 7.

For modules assessed solely by coursework (including class tests), a student failing the module has no right to reassessment unless indicated otherwise in the Module Catalogue for the relevant academic year.

Reassessment for 3000-level modules taken within a General Science programme is handled in the same way as for Honours modules.

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Last Published: 19 Mar 2025.