
There will be various induction sessions in orientation week; see the orientation calendar for details. Attendance at relevant sessions on the Thursday is compulsory, as is the briefing on good academic practice on Friday. Attendance at other sessions is very strongly encouraged.


Students may use and are strongly encouraged to come into the School and use any of the School Computer Labs physically where it is easier to talk to and get to know your peers and receive support. It is also the case that you must ensure that code submissions compile and run on School lab PCs or teaching servers, unless otherwise instructed in the coursework specification.

The lab PCs provide all of the software required for practical work on CS modules.

The School provides a resilient storage service for files stored in a user’s network home directories.

If you are working on your own computer, you are required to backup your work regularly and at the very least every 24 hours. As a registered student, you have access to OneDrive via Microsoft 365 which may suffice for many smaller projects. CS network home directories are accessbile via SSH on the teaching servers, from the University network. Distributed version control is another option for backing-up work.

Demonstrator support is offered in-person only in our Labs for first year and second year. If you are unsure about the arrangements, please contact the relevant coordinator or lecturer.

Demonstrator support is provided in the school labs as follows during semester 1:

  • CS1002 Exercises: Thursday and Friday 10.00 - 12.00 (John Honey Teaching Laboratory)
  • CS1007 Exercises: Tuesday and Wednesday 12.00 - 13.00 (John Honey Teaching Laboratory)
  • First Year afternoon labs: Thursday and Friday 14.00 - 17.00 (Jack Cole Laboratory)
  • Second Year afternoon labs: Tuesday and Wednesday 14.00 - 17.00 (Jack Cole Laboratory)

More information on our labs can be found here.

Each individual piece of coursework has its own deadline defined in MMS. After this deadline, lateness penalties apply, and work may not receive formative feedback.

As already described, failure to achieve an overall coursework average of at least 4, taking into account lateness penalties, will result in failing a module without right to reassessment. For coursework-only modules, failure to achieve an overall coursework average of at least 7, taking into account lateness penalties, will result in failing the module without the right to reassessment, unless a reassessment option is indicated for the module in the Module Catalogue for the relevant academic year.

See also target feedback timescales.


Most Sub-Honours modules include a weekly one-hour tutorial, normally with about seven students per group. Tutors assess and return practical work, and record attendance at tutorials. Tutorial attendance is a compulsory component in all modules that operate tutorials.

Students should log into MMS by Monday 12:00 noon of week 1 in each semester, and use the Enrolment resource for each module to inform the school of their availability for tutorials. Tutorial groups will be allocated by the School Administrator and circulated to students electornically. Any difficulties that arise with timetable clashes should be reported to the School Administrator.


To be eligible to enter honours, a student must:

  • have passed each of the requisite 2000 level modules at first sitting or resit (for BSc), and passed with an average of grade 11 at first sitting and first enrolment (for MSci)
  • have 220 credits
  • have met all other relevant Faculty regulations (in particular, have 80 credits at 2000 level)

More information can be found here.

There is no discretion on progression at School level.

Requests for Review of Decision for Entry to Honours

Students who fail to meet the requirements for entry to honours, and are consequently refused entry to their chosen degree programme, are eligible to request a review of the decision. For additional information and a list of admissible grounds for requesting a review please see the University documentation:

External Examiner

The School’s External Examiner for Sub-Honours is Dr Joseph Maguire of Glasgow University.

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Last Published: 27 Jan 2025.