
The School’s Student Welfare Officers, Prof Saleem Bhatti and Dr Miriam Sturdee, can be contacted to discuss any aspect of student welfare via student-welfare-cs@st-andrews.ac.uk.

Health and Safety

Students are expected to be familiar with the School’s Health and Safety Policy and Basic Health and Safety Guidance. Students can also view the full listing of the School’s health and safety guidance and risk assessments. The School’s Safety Coordinator is David Letham. First aid boxes are located in Jack Cole Building (in the School Office) and in the John Honey Building kitchen. There is a defibrillator in the Jack Cole Building foyer opposite the front door.

Considerate Behaviour

Students are expected to behave in a manner that is considerate and respectful to all members of school, including fellow students and staff. Unacceptable behaviour includes being disruptive in classes and labs, sleeping in school buildings, bringing smelly food into labs and going barefoot in school premises.

Comments and Feedback

The most common route for giving comments and feedback on any School matter is to contact the appropriate staff member directly. However, it is also possible to do so anonymously by emailing complaints-cs@st-andrews.ac.uk or via the anonymous comments form (only available from University networks). This sends a message directly to the Head of School. Note that, of course, it will not be possible for the Head of School to reply to such a message, or to gather any further details in order to act on it.

There is also a formal complaints procedure.

Student Representation

The Staff-Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) includes all teaching staff, student class representatives, and the School President. It meets at least once each semester, providing a forum for discussion of any issues of concern to students, and is chaired by the School President. Minutes of SSCC meetings are kept and published.

Class representatives are elected early in Semester 1, through an online process conducted by the Students’ Association.

The 2024/25 School President (Georgia Chiswick) can be contacted via compscipresident@st-andrews.ac.uk.

Students may bring issues of concern to the attention of the President or their class representative at any time.

The 2024/25 undergraduate reps are

Class Reps:

  • First Year: Matthew Keenan, Andrew Stroev
  • Second Year: Aro Aziz, Alfio Tomarchio
  • Third Year: Devina Chugani, Pedro Gronda Garrigues
  • Fourth Year: Ben Vardy, Amy Geall
  • Fifth Year: Arman Ozkaya
  • Joint Degree: Hong Xuan Wu Xu
  • Computer Science MSc: Julia Dreiling

School Roles:

  • Careers Employability Rep: Haiyin Xu
  • Disability Academic Support Rep: Hayley Watson
  • EDI Rep: Hanaa Khan
  • Sustainability Rep: Alexander Gorichev

You can find the email addresses for your class representatives here.

Mentoring Scheme

The School President (an Honours student) and School have run a mentoring scheme for a number of years now, and will be continuing this year in a slightly different format. The aim is to pair around 1-2 student mentors, with around 6-8 incoming student mentees, to make a mentor group.

If you’re in your first year at the school (whether that be 1st year, direct entry second year, MSc, or PhD) you can sign up to be a mentee here. This’ll give you a chance to get informal support with questions about the school, university life as a whole, or even the town; as well as an opportunity to meet new people.

If you fancy being a mentor please sign up here. Remember you’re not going to be an academic tutor for your mentees; your job will be to help them settle in, answer any questions they might have, and give them an opportunity to make some friends with their fellow incoming students.

We’ll start to create groups over the orientation week weekend so be sure to sign up by Friday 11th Sep!


Dr Kirsty Ross is the School’s student careers liaison and can be approached to discuss aspects relating to careers and you can also sign up to our own Computer Science Careers Mailing List. The link to the mailing list server is only accessible from on-campus. To subscribe via email, send an email to selby-sympa@st-andrews.ac.uk, from your University account, with the subject line “subscribe careers-cs <your-name>”. Replace <your-name> with the name you want to use on the list.

You can also go directly to the University Careers Centre which has a number of careers advisers and provides support and guidance on your career options.


Students regularly win summer internships, allowing them to carry out a research project within one of the School’s research groups, usually after their second or third year. Funding sources include the Laidlaw Leadership and Research Programme and Research Internship Scheme (StARIS), and external bodies such as the Nuffield Foundation.


Members of staff are usually willing to give references. It is a requirement that we have a record of the student’s permission before doing so. It is also advisable (and polite) to ask the member of staff before naming her or him as a referee, to provide details of the position being applied for, and to provide a copy of your CV.


Staff are not permitted to receive gifts from students. Please do not be offended if we refuse to accept a gift.


Module reading lists are accessible from the School module pages. Students are expected to find out further information about their subjects on their own.

The University Library provides a specific Computer Science library guide.

Appropriate books may be found mainly in the JF Allen Library, on the top floor of the Physics & Astronomy Building. A smaller range is also available in the main University Library in North Street.

Some research journals, such as IEEE Software, Communications of the ACM and Computer Survey, have articles at a suitable level for study by undergraduates and MSc students. Note the availability of various digital libraries, e.g. from the ACM and IEEE.

Printing and Binding

The University’s Print & Design Unit is ideally set up to print and/or bind your dissertation or thesis. You can send your material in PDF format (with a note of pages to be printed in colour) to: printanddesign@st-andrews.ac.uk and then they will be in touch when your job is ready. Please make sure the version you submit is your final version Price lists and further information.

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Last Published: 03 Oct 2024.