Module choices are made by students during the advising process. Choices are informed by advice given by Advisers of Studies, who must approve choices before students are formally enrolled.

Many modules have other modules as pre- or co-requisites. If a student has the pre/co-requisites for a module (and not any anti-requisites), then they have the right to take it, unless there are any additional availability restrictions. Lecturers are encouraged to assume that all students taking their module have the knowledge and skills delivered in the pre/co-requisite modules. However, the School seriously considers any reasonable requests from students without pre/co-requisites. Such requests should be made to the appropriate Adviser of Studies, or to the level coordinator for students whose Adviser is not in Computer Science. Requests will be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the student’s previous experience and academic performance.

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Last Published: 27 Jan 2025.