This module is offered in 2024-25.


The aims of this module are:

  • To give an overview of HCI and why it is needed in computing.
  • To cover fundamental principles of HCI.
  • To introduce paradigms, concepts and methods for the deeper study of HCI in subsequent modules.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, the student should:

  • Be aware of how the human interacts with computers in a variety of modern computing scenarios.
  • Be familiar with fundamentals of evaluation, usability, cognition, ergonomics, computing paradigms and heuristics in HCI.


  • History of HCI; evaluation paradigms in HCI; guidelines and heuristics.
  • Introduction to universal design, cognition, ergonomics and usability.
  • Evaluation: experimental design and hypothesis testing in HCI; quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods in HCI.
  • Paradigms: desktop, mobile, UbiComp, wearable and other paradigms of HCI beyond the desktop.

Compulsory Elements

This module has no compulsory elements beyond those common to all modules (mark of 4 in each assessment component).

Module Delivery

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Last Published: 25 Feb 2025.